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Programs Overview

Programs Overview

Programs Overview

Language Generation Center offers regular group programs and individual courses.

A short description of each program is given in what follows. Regular programs are offered throughout the year. 
Our courses are intensive (16 teaching units weekly, each unit 45 minutes), semi-intensive (12 teaching units weekly) and extensive (9 teaching units weekly) for a period of 4 to 6 weeks.
In the group program a student takes 48-60 teaching units of German language instruction for each level. A placement test will be given to the registered students before the start of the course to determine the level and accordingly the appropriate class they should enroll in.

Individual programs are offered flexible and are tailored to meet the needs of individuals or small groups working in fields like medicine, diplomacy, business, and others, and therefore may vary in their contents, duration, time of offering, and cost.

The center cooperates with the Goethe Institute in Amman and the German Jordanian University regarding the German regular language courses. LGC is also an official certified center for ÖSD-German language examinations. All courses are taught at Language Generation Center. Experienced multilingual German, Austrian and Jordanian instructors with solid teaching experience and training will be responsible for teaching the German courses. The language courses are supplemented by cultural and social activities.

Participants in the programs will also be encouraged to meet and interact with German speaking people in Jordan and everywhere.